Allah Owns the World (part II)

Image courtesy of Nora Elgalad

Allah Owns the World (part I)

Knowing our place and our deficiency in perfection humbles us.

Allah is the one in control and it is He who commands; He is the one who has enabled us to read, write, and teach humans what they did not know.

Our abilities manifest inside our heads as we contemplate that we are self-sufficient.

We are the makers of this dunya: not by physically creating it with our bare hands but how we run and shape it.

It is whether or not our Ummah adheres to Allah’s laws and rules.

In the eighth ayah, Allah states that with all our actions and our work by living in this world, we will eventually return to Him.

Everything will collapse one day and all that we have ever done will fade and Allah will take us back.

Detachment does not exist as we are Allah’s creations.

We are attached and so much so that our Creator has described it in this way in the second ayah, “Created man from a clinging substance” (Al-Alaq).

Our nature is to be clinging, to be attached, to be dependent, to be inferior in the eyes of Allah.  But we place this attachment in the wrong place.

Dunya is the priority lost among us.

It is that lack in faith and remembrance of Allah that makes us humans forget who truly brings out the sun in the day and issue the moon to present itself at night.

When we forget, when we got so lost in the forests of the dunya, do we stray into the path of self-sufficiency and arrogance.

Again and again we see throughout the Qu’ran how much we are dependent on Allah.  In Surah Al-Baqarah, ayah 156, Allah states that we will return to Him,

“Who, when disaster strikes them, say, “Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.”